WELCOME to the BIODAT database

BIODAT contains information on biomass fuels and ashes. Access is free.

BIODAT is built around the idea that normalization is the key to successful use of biomass as fuel. The information in BIODAT is ordered (as much as possible) following classifications in European standards, e.g. CEN/TS 14961 for classification of solid biomass fuels.

There are three ways to enter BIODAT:
  1. Use the “browse” button to look at specific records following the classification of fuels and ashes.
  2. Use the “search” button to find records with a certain key word.
  3. Use the “compare” button to display average values of groups of data.
There is extra information available by clicking on the data, e.g. to find the method that was used to obtain the data, e.g. CEN/TS 14775 for determining ash content.

BIODAT is a work in progress. Currently, the contents of BIODAT are limited to about 500 records, mainly solid biomass fuels and ashes. This number is planned to grow to 1000 before the end of 2010 and include liquid biomass fuels.

BIODAT is the follow-up of the existing PHYLLIS database.

BIODAT is the result of work carried out in the PHYDADES Project.
Some useful information is given in this presentation.

PHYDADES and BIODAT are supported by the European Commission under the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

9 August 2012
The Biodat and Phyllis database are merged into one database.

 © TNO. Version: 1.0.3. For information: TNO Biomass and Circular Technologies